How to remove Ants from Your House

How to remove Ants from Your House

Step 1

Lay out an “ant buffet” to see which bait food the ants prefer. Many types of ants, including common house ants, prefer different types of foods at different times. To determine the preference of the colony that’s invading your house, add a squeeze of honey, a dollop of peanut butter, and 1-2 potato chips to a piece of cardboard. Place the cardboard in an area where you’ve noticed ant traffic, and wait 1-2 days to see which food the ants are eating.
If the ants prefer the honey, for example, then you know they are currently interested in sweet foods. Use this knowledge when you shop for ant bait stations.

Step 2

Buy ant bait stations that match up with the ants’ current food preference. Some ant bait stations use a generic bait that will probably work for you, but others list specific baits, such as “for sweet-eating ants” or “for grease-eating ants.” If you can find these specific baits at your local hardware store, buy the type that corresponds to the results of your “ant buffet” test.
Designs vary by brand, but each individual bait station often looks like a tiny plastic igloo with 4 openings, stuck on top of a roughly 2 in (5.1 cm) square of plastic or cardboard.
Alternatively, you can make your own bait stations by mixing up a paste from 12  fl oz (350 ml) of water, 0.5 c (120 g) of sugar, and 2 tbsp (30 g) of Borax, then spreading it on small pieces of cardboard. Borax is toxic if ingested, however, so this isn't safe if you have pets or kids.

Step 3

Set out the bait stations in areas where you see ant activity. Scout ants lay a scent trail for their companions to follow, so ants tend to use the same pathways over and over again. Identify several areas with high ant traffic and place the bait stations there. The ants will take over the job from there!
Worker ants will collect the solid, liquid, or gelatinous poison inside the bait stations—which they think is tasty food—and bring it back to their nest to share. From there, the poison will quickly spread through and decimate the colony.
Bait stations are generally safe to use around kids and pets, so long as they don’t break into the “igloo.” Follow the instructions on the package if a child or pet ingests any of the poison, or contact a poison control center or emergency services.

Step 4

Keep the bait stations in place until all ant activity has ceased. Leave the bait stations out until you haven’t noticed any ant activity for 2-3 days. Depending on the type of bait station, you may be advised to replace it after a set period of time, such as 1 or 2 weeks. If so, keep putting out new bait stations until you don't see any more ants.
Err on the side of leaving the bait stations out longer than necessary. You want to make sure that every single ant in the colony has consumed and been killed by the poison. If only some of the ants have been killed, the colony may rebound.

Step 5

Take simple measures to prevent future ant invasions of your home. If you keep your house clean, put food away, and block easy access points, you can go a long way toward eliminating ant infestations. Try the following:
Sweep up crumbs and clear away food scraps after every meal.
Take out the trash daily, and don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight.
Seal food containers tightly.
Seal any gaps or cracks in walls, window trim, door jambs, etc. with caulk.
Sprinkle coffee grounds, cinnamon, or chili powder at potential ant entry points.

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