how to unlock a door without a key with a bobby pin
Step 1
Make a lockpick and lever using 2 hairpins if you don't have a kit. To create the lockpick, bend one of the hairpins so the ends are 90-degrees apart and remove the rubber caps from the ends. Then, slightly bend one of the ends of the hairpin upward so the end is no longer perfectly straight. To make the lever, bend the second hairpin at the point that’s about .5 inches (1.3 cm) away from the curved part of the hairpin. Once you’ve made a 90-degree angle, stop bending the hairpin.[2]
Use a pair of needle nose pliers to help you bend the hairpins if you’re having trouble.
Step 2
Fashion a lockpick and lever out of 2 paper clips if you don’t have hairpins. To make the lockpick, straighten out half of the paper clip, leaving the other half as is. Then, bend the end of the straightened half of the paper clip upward slightly. To make the lever, straighten out the second paper clip almost all the way, leaving one of the bent curves at one end of the paper clip. Bend down the bent curve until it’s at a 90-degree angle from the rest of the paper clip.[3]
Step 3
Insert the short side of the lever into the lock. Hold the long end of the lever between your fingers. Once the lever is inside the lock, press the long end of the lever in the direction you would turn the key to unlock your mailbox. While you’re picking the lock, continue to press the lever in this direction to apply pressure to the barrel of the lock. Without the pressure on the barrel, you won’t be able to pick the lock open.[4]
Step 4
Insert the bent end of your lockpick into the lock. Inside the lock, there are 5 pins that need to be raised to the same height in order for the barrel of the lock to turn and unlock the lock. You’ll use the bent part of the lockpick to lift the pins to the right height. When you insert the lockpick into the lock, keep it close to the opening of the lock. That’s where the first pin you’ll need to raise up is.[5]
Step 5
Push up the first pin in the lock to see if it’s seized. Seized pins are pins that prevent the barrel of the lock from rotating and unlocking. To find out if the first pin is seized, push up on it using the end of the lockpick. When you feel something push up, you’ve found the first pin. If the pin pushes up without any resistance, it’s not seized. If it’s not seized, push it up and continue onto the second pin. If it is seized, wiggle the lockpick up and down to force the pin up above the barrel.[6]
You’ll hear a click whenever a seized pin is raised up all the way.
Step 6
Continue lifting the pins up until all 5 have been raised. Each time you lift up a pin with the lockpick, push the lockpick into the lock a little further to find the next pin. If you encounter a seized pin, force it upward using the lockpick. Make sure you hear a click after you raise a seized pin before you move on.
Step 7
Use the lever to rotate the barrel to unlock the lock. Once you’ve raised all 5 pins, the barrel of the lock should immediately rotate since you’re applying pressure to it with the lever. Finish rotating the barrel all the way with the lever until the lock is unlocked. Remove the lever and the lockpick from the lock and open the door to your mailbox.
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