How to feel great in the morning
Step 1Start your day with some light stretches to loosen up your muscles. Your body will feel pretty stiff after sleeping for 8 hours. Do light to moderate stretches in the first 5 minutes after you wake up to get energized and motivated in the morning.
Step 2
Do a set of push-ups and a set of sit-ups. Doing a few push-ups and sit-ups in the morning will help get your blood circulating and will also prime your muscles to make you more active throughout the day. Do 1 set each of push-ups and sit-ups, limiting yourself to completing as many as you feel comfortable doing without becoming exhausted.
Step 3
Do a set of jumping jacks to engage your legs and shoulders. Jumping jacks are a terrific cardiovascular exercise that amps up your heart rate and also gives your legs and shoulders a workout. Do 30 to 50 jumps after you wake up to kickstart your heart rate and get energized right away.
Step 4
Perform a set of squats to kickstart your metabolism and build muscle. Squats work your largest muscle groups in your legs and thus have a tremendous boosting effect on your metabolism following a workout.
Step 5
Go for a run or walk. Running through the fresh air outside can refresh you and wake you up very quickly after you get out of bed. Consider going for a short 5-10 minute run in the morning to refresh yourself and feel energized for the rest of the day.
Step 6
Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. You may or may not feel like drinking water when you wake up, but in either case your body needs it. Down an 8 fluid ounces glass of water right after waking up to jump start your metabolism and to help you feel more alert.
Step 7
Eat a nutritious and filling breakfast. Starting off the day with a healthy breakfast will give you energy for the morning and prevent you from feeling groggy.
Step 8
Meditate or perform breathing exercises to clear your mind. Doing breathing exercises or meditation in the morning can help give you a fresh mindset and get rid of anxiety or tension in your muscles. Meditate for 5 minutes each morning to start your day in a calm and relaxed state.
Step 9
Hold off on drinking coffee until later in the day. Many of us drink coffee first thing in the morning. However, drinking coffee right after you wake up actually reduces the caffeine’s effect and makes you build a tolerance to the drug faster. Consider waiting a few hours before having your coffee to make sure you’re getting the full effect of the caffeine.
Step 10
Relax and unwind for 1 hour before bedtime. If you’re stressed or overactive right up until you go to bed, it will take your body longer to fall into a restful sleep state. Give yourself an hour before you go to bed to unwind and do relaxing activities to help your body go to sleep faster.
Step 11
Refrain from eating right before bed to avoid digesting food all night. Your body uses a lot of energy to slowly digest food, so if you eat a big meal before bed, you’ll digest that food all night and disrupt your sleep pattern. Eat your meals earlier in the evening to ensure your sleep is more restful.
Step 12
Drink a glass of water before bed to stay hydrated. Even when you’re asleep, your body is still carrying out a lot of its normal functions and will use up water in the process. Sip on some water before bed to keep your body hydrated, aid digestion, and help your body detox while you sleep.
Step 13
Go to bed at the same time each night. Your body has its own internal clock that it naturally follows, so going to sleep and waking up at regular times every day will help it feel energized and efficient. Pick a bedtime and stick to it each night to avoid feeling sluggish in the morning.
Step 14
Wake up on time and don’t allow yourself to oversleep. Oversleeping can leave you feeling drained and sluggish in much the same way that not getting enough sleep can. Set alarms to go off roughly 8 hours after your bedtime and don’t let yourself sleep through them.
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