How to take a steam bath
Step 1
Drink plenty of water before entering the bath. You’ll be doing a lot of sweating in a short space of time in the steam bath and this can cause dehydration. Drink a couple of glasses of water before your steam bath to ensure you don’t get dehydrated.
Step 2
Avoid food for an hour before your bath. Much the same reasoning applies here as it does to not eating for an hour before going for a swim. Eating might make you feel bloated and might mess with your digestion, so it’s best to avoid food for as long as you can before your bath.
Step 3
Stretch your body before the bath. Do some light stretching to loosen up and to help your body release some of the toxins from your pores. Stretching will also increase circulation which will help toxins leave your skin faster through sweat.
Step 4
Take a shower. Showering before a steam bath will help your body find its natural temperature, which will make the steam bath more effective. A warm shower is better than a cold shower but make sure your shower isn’t too hot, you don’t want to start sweating yet.
Step 5
Wear a light cotton towel. For your steam bath to be most effective, the less clothes you wear going into the steam bath, the better. The more exposed you are, the easier it will be for your body to sweat out the toxins.
Step 6
Ensure you have enough time to fully relax. Do not rush your steam bath. Try not to schedule your bath before appointments or other errands.You should be able to focus on relaxing and enjoying the bath.
Turn off your phone or leave it in a secure location where it won’t disturb you.
Step 7
Relax in the bath. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to sit down or lie down in the bath. The most important thing though is that you relax and enjoy the process. Clear your mind of your stresses and problems and enjoy the time you spend in the steam room.
Step 8
Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. For maximum relaxation and enjoyment, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, holding your breath in between for a few seconds. With your eyes closed, you can focus on your other senses and concentrating on your breathing is a great way to relax and de-stress.
Step 9
Drink plenty of water during the bath. Bring a bottle of water with you into the steam room. With such high temperatures in the steam room, you’ll be sweating much more than normal and therefore your body will be losing moisture faster than normal.
Drink frequently from the bottle of water to ensure you don’t get dehydrated in the steam room.
Step 10
Stay in the steam room for 5 to 20 minutes. If after 5 minutes you’ve had enough and you want to leave the steam room, then do so. However, don’t stay in the steam room for longer than 20 minutes at a time as you’ll put your body at risk of overheating.
If you start to feel dizzy, nauseous, or uncomfortable at any time in the steam room, leave right away and find a cool place.
Step 11
Cool down slowly with water and air. You might have the urge to find the coldest place you possibly can after leaving the steam room but you should resist that urge. You could put your body in shock or start shivering. Instead, find a cool place and let your body naturally cool down.
Drink more water to restore the moisture you lost in the steam bath.
Step 12
Take another shower. Again, you might want to have the coldest shower you can after leaving the steam room but you’ll only risk putting your body in a state of shock from sudden temperature changes. The shower should restore your body to its natural temperature.
Step 13
Relax for a few minutes. It’s important that you take some time and chill out after the steam bath. Most people feel that once the bath is over relaxation time is over and it’s time to get back to the hustle and bustle of the world. This ruins their relaxation time.
Take a few minutes and allow yourself to chill out and relax. You have already ensured that you have time to fully relax and you might as well enjoy this time.
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