How to Unlock Your Jaw by Performing Jaw Movement Exercises

How to Unlock Your Jaw by Performing Jaw Movement Exercises

Step 1

Lie down on your back with your knees bent. Start in a relaxed position on a mat or soft floor. Keep your head and neck relaxed on the floor as you lie down.
You may prop your head up with a thin pillow if you find this more comfortable for your jaw and face.

Step 2

Draw your attention to your jaw, face, and neck. Breathe in and out a few times as you bring awareness to your face, jaw, and neck. Notice if your face or neck feel tight. Acknowledge that your jaw feels tense and uncomfortable.

Step 3

Try gently opening and closing your mouth. Inhale as you gently open your mouth a few inches. Only open it to a point where you feel no stress or strain. Then, exhale and close your mouth without letting your teeth touch. Keep your neck and face relaxed as you do this.
Repeat these movements 5-10 times, inhaling each time you open your mouth and exhaling each time you close your mouth.
Do not force your mouth to open and close if it starts to tense up or feel tight. Let your jaw rest when needed so you do not damage it further.

Step 4

Move your jaw to the left and the right. If your jaw does not feel too painful or sore, try shifting it to the left and then to the right. Inhale as you shift it to the left a few inches. Exhale as you bring it back to the center and then inhale as you shift it to the right a few inches.
Do this 5-10 times on each side.
If your jaw starts to hurt or tense up, take a break. Do not overexert your jaw, as this can make it worse.

Step 5

Do jaw movement exercises once a day. Keep your jaw loose and relaxed by doing these exercises once a day. Try doing them at the same time every day so your jaw gets used to the movements.
If your jaw does not loosen up or becomes more painful, go see your doctor for treatment.
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