How to whistle without your fingers

How to whistle without your fingers

Step 1

Pucker your lips in an “O” shape. Push out your lips into a kissing shape, creating a circular space between your lips. Form this shape in a way that feels natural. Wet your lips before making puckering your lips, as moisture will produce a louder whistle.
This circular shape is where the air will flow through, ultimately making the whistling sound.

Step 2

Draw back your tongue behind your teeth. Fold your tongue back so that it "floats" in your mouth just before the lower front teeth. Lightly touch your tongue behind your lower teeth, keeping your tongue relaxed and loose. Your tongue will help produce the loud whistling sound, directing air through the space between your lips.
Your top molars will be touching your tongue as well.

Step 3

Blow air out of your mouth. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale evenly, forcing the air through the space between your lips. Experiment with different blowing intensities and consistently levels to find the whistle sound that fits your needs. When done correctly, a clear whistle should be heard.
Start with a gentle blow of air until you can hear a low whistle. This will let you know that the technique is right.

Step 4

Maximize the sound of your whistle. Once you have the technique down and are able to make a whistling sound, practice whistling loudly by exhaling harder and blowing more. Learn to blow out more air while maintaining proper technique and isolating the air so that it makes a loud, sharp sound.
Proper technique and blowing harder will create the loud, intense whistling sound you are looking for.
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