How to Stop Clearing Your Throat
Step 1
Take a sip of water every time you feel the urge to clear your throat. This is the first step towards breaking the habit of chronic throat clearing. Take a small sip of water and swallow normally anytime you want to clear your throat and see if it stops the desire.
Keep a water bottle with you throughout the day so that you always have water available.
Step 2
Use a harder sip if the first sip of water doesn’t relieve your throat. Take a little sip of water but don’t swallow it right away. Keep it in your mouth, press a hand gently against your chest, lower your chin to your chest, and forcefully swallow the water.
Imagine you are trying to forcefully swallow a pill as you swallow the water to force it down.
Once you master this technique, it usually works well to remove the urge to clear your throat.
Step 3
Force a “silent cough” if sipping water doesn’t work. Take a deep breath, place a hand on your chest, and exhale with force. Think of the sound you make when you say the letter “H” and force out your breath with the same sound.
It’s important not to let yourself actually cough as you force out your breath for this technique to work.
This technique might dry out your throat, so you can take a sip of water immediately after to moisten it.
Step 4
Try laughing, humming, or talking as an alternative relief technique. Hum lightly, laugh gently, or start talking whenever you feel the urge to clear your throat. This will distract you and also use your vocal cords which helps to vibrate away mucus and remove the desire to clear your throat.
You can try following this up with a sip of water to keep your throat moist and further relieve the sensations that make you want to clear it.
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